unprofessional and abusive Deputies; jail very dirty and unsanitary

The conditions aren’t good in the jail because you ask for help and they ignore you. Why? I don’t know. With all the deputies in there, people should be heard. They talk to you in an unprofessional manner — like you’re a thug. Even if you’re the most mannered person, they’ll still treat you like you’re a piece of shit. For example, I told them I was throwing up and fainting and not feeling good, and they were like, “Do you want to go to the nurse? Well, you’re going to stay here.” What kind of response is that? It’s fucked up. I got locked up last night and didn’t get a phone call until eight o’clock today. My family didn’t know where I was. I’m crying and I’m just like, “I want my family to know where I’m at — that’s it” and the deputies just ignored me.

Even if you’re the most mannered person, they’ll still treat you like you’re a piece of shit. For example, I told them I was throwing up and fainting and not feeling good, and they were like, “Do you want to go to the nurse? Well, you’re going to stay here.”

And it’s super dirty in there. It seems like they don’t care about the hygiene in there, which is scary because of COVID. There’s bugs and flies in the room. Hella unsanitary. There’s spit and loogies on the wall. The least they could do is clean the rooms once a month. Or let the inmates clean. Several people in the jail who’ve been locked up in other counties told me that this is the only county where they don’t give a shit about the inmates. They’re hard, they don’t feel, they don’t have even a little bit of empathy. They’re not handling COVID well at all. I don’t see any type of cleaning or sanitation. Everyone is touching everything. Not all deputies have their masks on.

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