no testing or quarantining of people coming into jail, lack of ppe, deputies dangerously exposing prisoners

I was booked into the jail about a month ago. I was never tested or quarantined before being placed into the general population. The jail staff aren’t concerned about exposing us to COVID-19. Deputies never social distance. Many deputies don’t wear gloves, and if they are wearing them, they don’t change gloves when they move between units. I saw Oscar Rocha, the deputy that died from COVID-19, walking around the jail without any protective gear.

No one in my unit is having their temperature taken, and we rarely receive masks. It’s been weeks since I got one. We ask for gloves, but the deputies refuse to give them to us. We only get cleaning supplies every few weeks, and we run out before they’re replenished.

I was booked into the jail about a month ago. I was never tested or quarantined before being placed into the general population. The jail staff aren’t concerned about exposing us to COVID-19. Deputies never social distance. Many deputies don’t wear gloves, and if they are wearing them, they don’t change gloves when they move between units. I saw Oscar Rocha, the deputy that died from COVID-19, walking around the jail without any protective gear.

A lot of the time, we don’t get a chance to go outside because the jail is understaffed.

The water we used to drink has recently started tasting weird. There is a strange smell that comes from the water and it has a gray color. We’ve started to boil water to drink it. People have to buy bottled water for about $2.50 per bottle if they can afford it.

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