Prisoner who tests positive for covid-19: “it feels like they delayed testing me on purpose”

I was placed in a contaminated cell for a 14-day quarantine upon arrival at Santa Rita Jail. The deputy said the cell was clean and sanitized, but when I walked in I saw boogers on the wall, hair on the floor, food on the floor, and tissue paper with boogers on it. The deputies had biohazard suits on so they should have walked in and cleaned it. When I was finally tested for coronavirus 7 days later, I tested positive. It feels like they delayed testing me on purpose. I started feeling chest pain, back pain, and a headache. I had diarrhea and I couldn’t taste anything. Eventually I was tested again and cleared, but I’m worried that in these conditions I’ll get it again. I clean my cell and do my laundry every day because I’m afraid of getting it a second time. And nobody wants to say they feel sick because they’re afraid to go to the quarantine cells. Everyone knows how dirty those cells are.

When I was finally tested for coronavirus 7 days later, I tested positive. It feels like they delayed testing me on purpose. I started feeling chest pain, back pain, and a headache. I had diarrhea and I couldn’t taste anything. Eventually I was tested again and cleared, but I’m worried that in these conditions I’ll get it again.

Learn how you can take action to demand more releases from Santa Rita to protect the health and safety of our community

